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来源:征贤令【Zhengxianling】 时间:2024-09-01 作者:征贤令【Zhengxianling】 浏览量:








“Bridges Witness a New Era·From the Yangtze River to the World”

International Short Video Solicitation and Broadcast Exhibition

Now Officially Launched

Open for Global Submissions

Showcase your best work

for a chance to win up to

10,000 RMB!


I. Theme Planning

“桥”沟通世界,连接你我,代表开放、包容和国际理解。为深入学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神,充分展示“开放”这个中国式现代化的鲜明标识,讲好中国故事、传播好中国声音,让新时代中国大国形象更加鲜明,在国家广播电视总局宣传司、湖北省委宣传部指导下,湖北省广播电视局、湖北广播电视台主办“桥”见新时代(Bridges Witness a New Era)·从长江走向世界(From the Yangtze River to the World)国际短视频征集展播活动,面向全球广泛征集遴选一批可视、可听、可亲、可感的短视频作品,通过全国主流媒体、湖北国际传播中心Open Hubei海外矩阵、海外主流媒体平台展播,让世界“桥”见改革开放的伟大成就,看到一个欣欣向荣、自信自立、胸怀天下、开放包容的中国。

Connecting the world and people, bridge is a symbol of openness, inclusiveness, and international understanding. To thoroughly implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, highlight openness as a distinctive feature of Chinese modernization, effectively tell China’s story, and enhance the image of China as a major power in the new era, the Hubei Provincial Radio and Television Bureau and Hubei Media Group, under the guidance of the Publicity Department of the National Radio and Television Administration and the Publicity Department of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, are hosting the international short video solicitation and exhibition event: Bridges Witness a New Era: From the Yangtze River to the World. The event aims to globally solicit and select a series of visually, audibly, and emotionally engaging short videos. These videos will be showcased through national mainstream media, Hubei International Communication Center’s overseas network matrix known as Open Hubei, and international mainstream media platforms. With a focus on bridges, the event seeks to highlight the great achievements of China’s reform and opening-up and present a thriving, confident, open, and inclusive image of modern China.


II. Submission Deadline


October 8, 2024


III. Solicitation


I.Submission Requirements

1.作品要求紧扣“桥”见新时代(Bridges Witness a New Era)主题,参赛者可结合自己或身边朋友亲身经历的精彩故事,纪录“桥”带来的创新创造,给当地人民工作、生活带来的明显变化,从而展现中国新时代高质量发展成果,因地制宜发展新质生产力,为全球经济发展增加新活力、带来新机遇,助推建设和平发展、共同繁荣的美好世界。(例如:中马友谊大桥,这座由中国援建的跨海大桥连接着首都马累、机场岛和胡鲁马累岛,将原本2小时的行程缩短到5分钟。目前,通行量已达上亿人次,环马累生活和居住圈得以形成。)参赛投稿应为原创制作,版权明晰,未获得过国内外其他比赛奖励的作品。

Submissions should closely align with the theme “Bridges Witness a New Era.” Participants are encouraged to document inspiring stories from their own experiences or those of friends, highlighting the innovation and creativity brought about by bridges and the significant changes they have brought to local people’s work and lives. These stories should showcase the high-quality development achievements of China in the new era, the development of new quality productive forces tailored to local conditions, and how these contribute to global economic growth by injecting new vitality and creating new opportunities, thereby promoting a peaceful and prosperous world. For example, the Sinamalé Bridge (also known as the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge), built with China’s assistance, connects the capital Malé, the airport island, and Hulhumalé, reducing a two-hour journey to just five minutes. The bridge has already seen over 100 million crossings, leading to the formation of a living and residential circle around Malé. Submissions must be original, with clear copyright ownership, and must not have received awards in other domestic or international competitions.


Submitted videos should be no longer than 6 minutes in duration, with a resolution of at least 1280x720. Accepted formats include MPG, MPEG, AVI, MOV, and MP4. The videos should not contain any corner signs, logos, watermarks, or other identifying marks.


Participants are responsible for any copyright issues related to their submissions. The organizers reserve the right to use the submitted works for non-profit promotional purposes and may showcase them publicly on a long-term basis, including on overseas social media platforms.


Submissions can be in any language. However, if a language other than English is used, Chinese subtitles must be provided. The use of Chinese characters should be accurate and standardized.


(II) How to Participate

1.参赛者可关注湖北发布、长江云新闻官方微信公众号,进入底部菜单栏“桥”见新时代(Bridges Witness a New Era)投稿专区进行报名,并上传作品。
Participants are welcome tofollow the official WeChat accounts of Hubei Fabuand HBTV Newsto access the submission section for Bridges Witness a New Era in the bottom menu, where they can register and upload their work.

Overseas participants are welcome tosubmit their videos tothe designated emailaddress.


(III) EntryGuidelines


Participants must accurately fill out all required fields when submitting their entries, providing truthful and complete personal information and contact details. Submissions with incomplete or false information will be disqualified.


Participants must ensure they hold full copyright to their submissions and are solely responsible for any legal liabilities related to the reputation, image rights, or copyrights involved in their submissions. The organizershave the right to use the submitted works, including making technical adjustments, for public welfare publicityor distribution to relevant media for broadcast. The organizersare not liable for any legal disputes arising from issues related to image rights, reputation, privacy, copyrights, or trademarks. Should any financial losses occur due to such disputes, the organizers have the right to hold the participants accountable.


Team submissions are limited to a maximum of six members. One primary creator must be designated for the entry, and duplicate submissions are not allowed.


By completing the registration process, participants agree to abide by all the rules outlined in this document.

5.参赛规则一旦发生变动,主办方将在湖北发布、长江云新闻官方微信公众号“桥”见新时代(Bridges Witness a New Era)专区以公告的形式告知。

Should there be any changes to the entryrules, the organizerswill announce them in the “Bridges Witness a New Era” section on the official WeChat accounts of Hubei Fabu and HBTVNews.

6. 主办方拥有征集展播的最终解释权,享有报名作品及相关物料使用权。

The organizersreserve the right to the final interpretation of theeventand the use of submitted works and related materials.


Ⅳ. Evaluation Process


The evaluation process consists of three stages: Expert Initial Review,Online Voting and Evaluation, and Expert Final Review.


(I) Expert Initial Review


The organizerswill conduct a unified review of all submissions and invite a panel of university experts, scholars, and seasoned media professionals to conduct the initial review.

Evaluation criteria: alignment with the theme, creativity and innovation, artistic impact, production quality (scored by experts), and outreach (based on views, likes, comments, and shares).


(II) Online Voting and Evaluation

主办单位将初选入围作品,通过“桥”见新时代(Bridges Witness a New Era)网络点赞评议系统进行展示,网友可为自己喜欢的作品点赞评议。最终点赞评议情况在复评中占一定得分比例。

The shortlisted entries from the initial review will be showcased on the online voting platformfor Bridges Witness a New Era, where users can vote and evaluate their favorite works. The results of this online voting will be considered in the final review.


(III) Expert Final Review


The organizerswill convene an expert panel for the final review, taking into account the online voting results to select the winning entries.


(IV) Awards





First, second, and third-tier supported works:

Each First-tier supported works will receive a grant of 10,000 RMB.

Each Second-tier supported works will receive a grant of 5,000 RMB.

Each Third-tier supported works will receive a grant of 3,000 RMB.


V. Awards and BroadcastExhibition


(1) Public Award Ceremony:

Apublic award ceremony will be held to present the awards to the selected works.


National BroadcastExhibition: Outstanding works will be showcased on the National Broadcast New Media Alliance and top platforms.
2.全球展播。获奖优质短视频在央媒海外平台、全球主流通讯社及媒体平台、Open Hubei 海外矩阵、海外华文媒体平台同步展播。

Global BroadcastExhibition: Winning short videos will be featured on central media’s overseas platforms, global mainstream news agencies and media platforms, Open Hubei’s international networkmatrix, and overseas Chinese media platforms.



Join us

and showcase your best work!


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