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Submission Guidelines for Academic Articles in Advanced Materials an d Announcement of Global Talent Recruitment (Outstanding Young Talents Overseas) by Zhengxianling

来源:征贤令- -中国首家泛国际人才招聘平台 时间:2025-02-04 作者:征贤令- -中国首家泛国际人才招聘平台 浏览量:

Please refer to thisGuide for Authorswhen preparing manuscripts for submission. The online sample copy and current year issues can also be used as a guide for style. Contributors should bear in mind the interdisciplinary nature of the readership of many journals, and, when applicable, emphasize the importance of the topic being presented to the research community, extending beyond specialists in the field.


For easier evaluation and speedier processing, please use the following documents whenever possible.

·Manuscript Preparation Checklist

·Word Template

·LaTeX Template

Manuscript Submission

Free Format Submission

We now offerFree Format submissionfor a simplified and streamlined process forNew Submissions.

Regarding Zhengxianling - China's first pan - international talent recruitment platform

Zhengxianling is developed and operated by Shanghai Yuntong Information Technology Co., Ltd. The company mainly provides international services such as talent job-seeking and recruitment, recruitment and introduction of high-level talents / science and technology innovation-related talents (Overseas Excellent Young Talents, Qiming Plan, online and offline job fairs, campus recruitment, social recruitment, online recruitment, headhunting, etc.), academic exchanges, and software development. In due time, we will launch language platforms and APPs in AI English, Korean, Japanese, French, German, etc. to meet the needs of global users. Up to now, the company has established communication channels with national ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Science and Technology, talent offices of the Organization Departments of some provincial and municipal Party committees, departments of human resources and social security, industry and information technology, science and technology, trade unions, chambers of commerce, academic societies, associations, 985 and 211 universities in various regions across the country, HRs of some enterprises, the International Academician Consortium, the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA, and some international institutions in countries such as Russia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Canada, and QS World's top 100 universities (MIT, Oxford, the University of Melbourne...).

Service items are as follows:
A. Recruitment and introduction of international high-level / science and technology innovation-related talents (doctors, post-doctors, academicians) (online and offline job fairs, campus recruitment, social recruitment, online recruitment, headhunting, etc.), overseas enterprise study tours, academic exchanges, and software development.
B. Operation of Zhengxianling® (The types of talents on the platform and official account are not limited. Note: The official website is undergoing upgrading and renovation).

Service-supported regions:
China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, the United States, Canada, etc. (covering more than 100 countries and regions).

Main service content: Online and offline special high-level talent job fairs for cities, parks, and employers, talent-introduction activities related to science and technology innovation (project solicitation, screening, roadshow... implementation, etc.), investment promotion, academic exchange conferences, online job-seeking and recruitment, and offline services are available in the above-mentioned designated countries.

In the past 2024, we have successively joined the Hubei Chushang Federation in China and the World Federation of Inventors' Associations [IFIA], and have established the grand goal of building Zhengxianling into China's first pan-international talent recruitment platform (Language platforms and APPs in AI English, Korean, Japanese, French, German, etc. will be launched in due time. The establishment of the International HRD (HR) Alliance is in progress), and in the future, it will serve billions of users in more than 200 countries around the world. As of December 31, 2024, we have received a reply from the chairman of the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA, welcoming Yuntong Technology and Zhengxianling to join the cooperation of the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA in 2025. Starting from 2025, we will cooperate with the International Academician Consortium and may participate in activities such as the FCPAE (Federation of Chinese Professionals in Europe) European Forum to facilitate international talent exchanges and cooperation, thereby promoting scientific and technological innovation, driving employment, serving global economic construction, and promoting friendly cross-border cooperation to create a better future. Thus, we can better serve users from all over the world.

The Chinese full name of IFIA: World Federation of Inventors' Associations. Its headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland, and San Francisco, the United States. In February 2024, after being reviewed and approved by the 47th Global Executive Committee of IFIA, Shanghai Yuntong Information Technology Co., Ltd. [Zhengxianling] joined the organization. For details, please refer to the official website of IFIA:


Our company's recruitment platform will officially launch a paid service starting from February 1, 2025. For details, please refer to:


Currently, we are organizing online and offline special job fairs for high-level talents of international organizations. For details of the event, please refer to the push article on the schedule plan of the international high-level talent recruitment activities of Zhengxianling®:


Zhengxianling® recruits a large number of overseas high-level talents and innovative talents all year round. For details, please refer to the official account introduction:


Regarding the invitation letter for the initiation of the International HRD (HR) Alliance, please refer to the official account introduction:


We welcome HRs of employers from all over the world, heads of universities and research institutes, academic leaders, young doctors / post-doctors / academicians and other talents to contact us or register to join our platformThe talents we recruit will be preferentially recommended to work in universities, research institutions and other units in China or various countries around the world.


Before you submit, you will need:

·Your manuscript: this should be an editable file including text, figures, and tables, or separate files – whichever you prefer. All required sections should be contained in your manuscript, including abstract (which does need to be correctly styled), introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Figures and tables should have legends. Figures should be uploaded in the highest resolution possible. References may be submitted in any style or format, as long as it is consistent throughout the manuscript. Supporting information should be submitted in separate files. If the manuscript, figures or tables are difficult for you to read, they will also be difficult for the editors and reviewers, and the editorial office will send it back to you for revision. Your manuscript may also be sent back to you for revision if the quality of English language is poor.

·An ORCID ID, freely available athttps://orcid.org.(Why is this important? Your article, if accepted and published, will be attached to your ORCID profile. Institutions and funders are increasingly requiring authors to have ORCID IDs.)

·The title page of the manuscript, including:

oYour co-author details, including affiliation and email address.(Why is this important? We need to keep all co-authors informed of the outcome of the peer review process.)

oStatements relating to our ethics and integrity policies, which may include any of the following(Why are these important? We need to uphold rigorous ethical standards for the research we consider for publication):

§data availability statement

§funding statement

§conflict of interest disclosure

§ethics approval statement

§patient consent statement

§permission to reproduce material from other sources

§clinical trial registration

All manuscripts should be submitted using the online submission service by following the instructions given on the submission website. In order to submit a manuscript, you will need either a Microsoft Word document, or a single PDF generated from a LaTeX document, that includes the text, figures, and tables. If you experience difficulty uploading large files, please contact the editorial office for assistance.

Tables should be included in the manuscript documents, following the example provided in the template.

Vector graphic images such as plots, graphs, and line diagrams (including chemical structures) should either be embedded into a Word document or saved as a PDF, PS, or EPS file. Original files of graphical items prepared using ChemDraw or Photoshop may also be included. Bitmap graphic images such as photographs and electron microscope images should be saved as TIFF or PNG files; each figure part must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (1000 pixels wide when the image is typeset at a single column width).

Supporting Information in the form of additional figures, experimental details, and/or movies may accompany a manuscript, and will be published online. This material will not be edited and should be error free. Where possible, Supporting Information should be prepared as a single document (i.e., Word, PDF, or LaTeX). See the section on Supporting Information for more details.

The corresponding author must ensure that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript and meet the criteria for authorship. For more details, see the “Authorship” section in the Editorial Policies tab.

The author must inform the editor of manuscripts submitted, soon to be submitted, or in press at other journals that have a bearing on the manuscript being submitted. Duplicate submission is not permitted and will result in rejection. Ethical guidelines issued by,theCommittee on Publication Ethics (COPE), theInternational Union of Pure and Applied Physics, and theSingapore Statement on Research Integrityare followed. In particular, authors should reveal all sources of funding for the work presented in the manuscript and should declare any conflict of interest.

Consideration will be given to submitted papers that have been previously:

·posted as a preprint on a non-profit community preprint server such as ChemRxiv, bioRxiv, and arXiv.

·published as a thesis prepared toward completion of a graduate degree at a university or technical institute of learning.

Only the original submitted version of a manuscript is allowed to be posted as a preprint. Manuscripts previously published in other contexts will not be considered, at the discretion of the editor.

If the manuscript is a revised or extended version of a manuscript previously rejected by the journal to which it is being submitted, the author must inform the editor about the previous submission in the cover letter and explain in detail what changes have been made. See “Appeals Procedure” for additional information.

To ensure continuity of contact details, the senior scientist of each manuscript should hold at minimum a permanent staff position at an academic or research institution or be a permanently contracted staff member in industry. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Editorial Office.

Confirmation of Receipt/Assessment

All authors of submitted manuscripts will receive an email acknowledging the successful submission of the manuscript.

Refer and Transfer Program

Wiley believes that no valuable research should go unshared. This journal participates in Wiley’sRefer & Transfer program. If your manuscript is not accepted, you may receive a recommendation to transfer your manuscript to another suitable Wiley journal, either through a referral from the journal’s editor or through our Transfer Desk Assistant.

Data for Production

Manuscript Preparation

You do not need to reformat your manuscript for a new submission. However, authors are requested to follow the guidelines presented here when preparing theirRevised Manuscripts. TheManuscript Preparation Checklistprovides an overview of these points.


WordandLaTeXtemplates for all article types are available and authors are requested to use them when preparing manuscripts for submission. In general, the order of the sections in the file is:

Title – Author(s) – (Dedication) – Affiliation(s), – Keywords – Abstract -– Main text [including Figures, Schemes and Tables] – (Experimental/Methods Section) – Acknowledgements – References – (Biographies) – Table of Contents text [Sections in brackets are only present in certain article types]

Manuscripts must be written in American English and be grammatically and linguistically correct. Authors should seek assistance with style, grammar and vocabulary if necessary.

Please note: Wiley provides a professional language and manuscript editing service, with expert help in English language editing, translation service, manuscript formatting, and figure preparation. For detailed information, costs and instructions please go to:Wiley Editing Services.

The structure and compositions of all materials central to the manuscript must be disclosed in the main text or in Supporting Information, this includes commercial and proprietary products, pure materials, and mixtures. Manuscripts reporting results using undisclosed material compositions may not be considered for publication and may be returned without external review.

Symbols for physical quantities should be italicized, but their units should not be written in italics. As examples:Tfor temperature with K as the unit, in contrast to T for the unit Tesla;Jwith units Hz,awith units nm. Stereochemical information (cis,E,R, etc.; d, L), locants (N-methyl), symmetry groups and space groups (C2v), and prefixes in formulae or compound names (tBu andtert-butyl) must be in italics. Latin phrases such as “in situ” should not be italicized. Formula numbers should be bold (Arabic numerals and, if necessary, Roman lowercase letters). Labels of axes labels should be formatted as variable [units], e.g.,T[K] where the variable is in italics and the units are enclosed in square brackets and in upright type.

Equations should be labeled with consecutive numbers and mentioned by label in the text, for example, “Equation (1).” They should be provided in an editable format – use symbols or an equation editor – do not embed as graphics.

Vectors must be in bold italic letters and tensors in bold letters (both in the text and in equations).

Please distinguish carefully between subscripts, superscripts, and special symbols. Units (e.g. V cm–1, K, Pa etc.) should be written in upright letters (not in italics) with a short space to the number before.

Please use SI units throughout. Mathematical functions which are tabulated (e.g., sin, cos, exp, e, etc.) should be given in upright letters (not in italics).

Physical data should be arranged as follows, where possible:

·p./b.p. 20 °C

·[α]D20= −13.5 (c= 0.2 in acetone) (a unit has to be given if it is different from deg cm3g−1dm−1for [α] and from g cm−3forc)

·1H NMR (200 MHz, [D8]THF, 25 °C, TMS):δ= 1.3 (q,3J(H,H) = 8 Hz, 2 H; CH2), 0.9 ppm (t,3J(H,H) = 8 Hz, 3 H; CH3)

·IR(Nujol): u= 1790 cm–1(C=O)

·UV–vis (n-hexane):λmax(ε) = 320 (5000), 270 nm (12 000)

·MS (70 eV):m/z(%): 108 (20) [M], 107 (60) [M–H], 91 (100) [C++7H7+]

·Plane angles in products of units can have either ° or deg as the unit

In addition, when quoting physical data, the following should be considered:

·data should be quoted with decimal points and negative exponents (e.g., 25.8 J K−1mol−1)

·the order should remain consistent throughout the manuscript

·when measurement conditions remain unchanged, they need only be mentioned once, for instance in column headings

Nomenclature should conform to the current American usage. The rules and recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the International Union of Biochemistry (IUB), and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) should be followed. The Latin names of biological species and genera should be written in italics, with the full name always used when it appears for the first time in the text (e.g.,Homo sapiens); the abbreviated form (e.g.,H. sapiens) may be used thereafter.

Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently. Where they first appear in the text, the complete term should also be given. Common acronyms such as bp, DNA, RNA, NMR, UV–vis., wt, do not need to be defined.

Title Page

The manuscript should start with the following:

·The title of the article. This should clearly describe the research using relevant keywords and it should avoid catchy but non-descriptive phrases. The first letters of all words, except coordinating conjunctions, articles, and prepositions, should be capitalized. No references should be cited. Chemical and mathematical formulae should be avoided in the title, as they may lead to difficulties when the title is integrated into databases.

·A complete list of authors with the first name, middle initial(s), and surname of each author. An asterisk should be used to indicate each corresponding author (further symbols to indicate the affiliation(s) should not be used). A dedication line is optional.

·A full list of affiliations for all authors. These should include: the names of all authors associated with each affiliation (with all first names as initials) and the complete postal address. An institutional/company email address must be provided for all corresponding authors.

·Please include 3 to 7 keywords

·All primary research and review articles require an abstract. The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should be written in the present tense and impersonal style (i.e., avoiding we). Abbreviations must be defined when first used and the abstract should not contain any references.

Table of Contents

A short text and graphic should be provided for the Table of Contents (ToC). The ToC text should describe the main results in 50 to 60 words. It should be written for a general audience and be written in the third person.

The ToC figure should convey the main message of the article. It does not have to be a figure from the article; it can be a combination of figures or a new, original figure composed to represent the topic. The author must be the copyright holder for this figure and any images used to create it. The size of the image should be either 55 mm × 50 mm (w × h) or 110 mm × 20 mm (w × h).


References to the literature or to footnotes in the text are typed in square brackets as superscripts after any punctuation. These are numbered consecutively and listed (with the numbers in square brackets not as superscripts) at the end of the main body of text. They should not contain comprehensive experimental details, which should instead be included in the Experimental Section, or long explanatory text. The names of all authors should be given, starting with the initials of given names followed by the family name (“et al.” should not be used). The names of the last two authors should be separated by a comma (not by “and”). Composite references may be used; the individual parts should be separated by a semicolon and labeled a), b), c), and not (a), (b), (c). Please double check your references to ensure correct (online) linkage.

Mode of citation: Only a comma is required between the name of the last author and the title of the journal. Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with theChemical Abstracts Service Source Index(CASSI; no commas appear in the journal names) and italicized. The journal title should be followed (no comma) by the year of publication (in boldface), comma, volume number (in italics), comma, first page or article number, period (or a semicolon within a composite reference).

The following examples show citation formats for common reference types:

Journals Articles:[1] a) Y. Zou, M. Zheng, W. Yang, F. Meng, K. Miyata, H. J. Kim, K. Kataoka, Z. ZhongAdv. Mater.2017,29, 1703285; b) E. Branscomb, M. J. Russell,BioEssays2018,40, 1700179; c) A. Behrens, K. Foremny, T. Doll,Phys. Status Solidi A., https://doi.org/10.1002/pssa.201700873; d) A. Jones, B. Smith, unpublished.

Books:[2] R. J. Farrauto, L. Dorazio, C. H. Bartholomew,Introduction to Catalysis and Industrial Catalytic Processes, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ2016.

Chapter in a Multi-Authored Book:[3] J. Lienemann, A. Greiner, J. G. Korvink, X. Xiong, Y. Hanein, K. F. Böhringer, inSensors Update, Vol. 13 (Eds: H. Baltes, G. K. Fedder, J. G. Korvink), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany 2004, Ch. 1.

Proceedings Volumes:[4] a) C. D'silva, V. Parthasarathy, S. N. Rao, inProc. 2016 Workshop Wearable Systems Applications(Eds: E. H. Lee, A. L. Copley), ACM, New York2016, 13; b) C. D’silva, presented at14th Annual Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications, Services, New York, June2016.

Thesis and Patents:[5] a) Y. Sheima,Master Thesis, Universität Freiburg2017.; b) H.-S. Seo, D.-C. Kim (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.), Ger. 2016122271,2016.

Preprints:[6] A. Bag, M. Neugebauer, U. Mick, S. Christiansen, S. A. Schulz, P. Banzer, (Preprint) arXiv:1909.04478, v2, submitted: Sept2019.

Additional reference examples are provided in the manuscript templates.

Tables, Figures and Schemes

Tables should be provided with a brief legend and should only be subdivided by three horizontal lines (head rule, neck rule, foot rule). Tables with only one or two columns and columns with only one or two entries are to be avoided. For footnotes in tables, Roman lowercase letters followed by a closing parenthesis should be used. All tables are numbered (Arabic numerals) in the sequence in which they are referred to in the text. When tables are cited in the text, the word “Table” should be used without abbreviation.

Each figure and scheme should have a caption and should be inserted in-line within the main text. All figures and schemes must be mentioned in the text in numerical order. Different types of atoms in structural chemistry figures should be clearly distinguishable (by color). The full word Figure should be used in all parts of the manuscript when figures are cited.

Vector graphic images such as plots, graphs, and line diagrams (including chemical structures) should either be embedded into a Word document or saved as a PDF, PS, or EPS file. Original files of graphical items prepared using ChemDraw or Photoshop may also be included. Bitmap graphic images such as photographs and electron microscope images should be saved as TIFF or PNG files; each figure part must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (1000 pixels wide when the image is typeset at a single column width). More details can be found in theManuscript Preparation Checklistand Graphics FAQ tab.

Supporting Information

Supporting Information is information that is not essential to the article but provides greater depth and background. It is hosted online and appears without editing or typesetting. Succinct text and the necessary graphics for the Supporting Information must be submitted, where possible, as a separate document (i.e., Word, or PDF). The document should include the title and names of all the authors and a template that can be used to prepare this page is included in the manuscript template. Any graphics should be embedded into the Supporting Information file and should not be submitted as separate graphics files. The author must keep a copy of the Supporting Information and make this available to readers upon request. Other types of Supporting Information, e.g., multimedia files, raw data, code, etc., may be provided separately, with large files provided in a compressed file format, e.g., .zip or .rar.


All funding sources relevant to the work reported should be acknowledged, including grant numbers and names of funding bodies. Contributions from anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgements, with permission from the contributor.


Conflict of Interest

All authors must declare financial/commercial conflicts of interest. If the authors have no conflicts of interest, this should be stated.


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