World Digital Technology Academy (WDTA)
a new international organization established in Geneva, Switzerland, in April 2023, is committed to becoming a leader in global digital technology innovation. Peter Major, Vice chair and the 19th and 24th Chair of the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development is the Founder and Honorary Chairman of WDTA. As a non-governmental organization (NGO) operating under the United Nations framework, WDTA upholds the core principle of Speed, Safety, Sharing (3S). WDTA's mission is to expedite the establishment of norms and standards in the digital domain, lead innovation and research in digital technology, foster international collaboration, and stay at the forefront of technological advancements.
Nowadays, we are amid an unprecedented global transformation. The rapid development of the digital realm is accompanied by challenges. The global digital economy's share of GDP continues to rise, and digital technologies find increasingly widespread applications in the fields such as healthcare, education, and finance. However, we face challenges such as the ethical boundaries posed by emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and the uneven distribution of digital resources. To address the development of digital technology and the digital society, since 2018, the United Nations has successively released landmark documents such as the Secretary-General's Strategy on New Technologies, Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, Our Common Agenda, and Global Digital Compact (Draft). These documents collectively strive to build a safer and fairer digital world, fostering a brighter and more prosperous digital future. WDTA recognizes the significance of global cooperation and will operate within the framework of the United Nations to ensure its inclusiveness and neutrality. It is committed to becoming a global leader in digital technology innovation, fostering a shared destiny for humanity in the digital age, leaving no one behind, and addressing global challenges to promote the sustainable development of the digital economy.
WDTA's Mission
Promote the development of the digital economy and to make digital technology accessible to all humanity.
WDTA's 3S Philosophy
Speed: Research and innovation in digital technology must be agile and swift. The establishment of rules and standards in the digital domain should match the pace of technological development.
Safety: While advancing digital technology, due attention must be given to security and trustworthiness. Research and innovation in digital technology must mitigate security risks.
Sharing: The digital era necessitates global cooperation. WDTA, as a collaborative platform for research and innovation, ensures that no one is left behind and is committed to building a global community of destiny in the digital age.
Five Major Action Objectives
Promoting the sustainable development of the digital economy, cultivating high-quality technical talents, driving global technological cooperation and sharing, serving society and economic industrial development, and making digital technology accessible to all humanity.
WDTA's Vision
A global leader in digital technology innovation.
Orgniazational Structrue
Board Of Directors
Funder Directors
Peter Major
Vice Chair and 19th & 24th Chair, UN Commission on Science and Technology for Board Of Directors Funder Directors and Honorary Chairman of the World Digital Technology Academy
Mr. Peter Major holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from Eötvös Loránd University. With over thirty years of leadership experience in the United Nations, Mr. Major has served in various roles. He spent over a decade with the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development, shaping the organization’s policies on technological innovation. Additionally, he has over twenty years of experience with the International Telecommunication Union, overseeing UN internet governance efforts and collaboration between the UN and the European Commission in network-related areas. Moreover, Mr. Major has guided several computer technology companies.
Yale Li
Co-founder and Executive Chairman of WDTA
Yale Li has been engaged in the field of international digital technology and network information security for over 30 years. For more than 20 years, he has served as Global Chief Security Architect at Microsoft, International Chief Security Officer CSO at Huawei, and Chief Technology Architect at IBM. He is a visiting professor at the University of Washington and XJTU, an adjunct professor at NJUPT, and an advisory professor at SISU. Now he also is the Chairman of CSA Greater China Region and a foreign academician of the Ukrainian National Academy of Engineering.
al economy and digital technology fields. The members come from the Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Turing Award laureates, academicians of national engineering academies, and other scientists, or individuals who have had a significant impact on the global development of the digital technology industry.
Gerardus (Gerard) 't Hooft
Theoretical/Quantum Physicist
Vinton (Vint) Gray Cerf
Co-inventor of TCP/IP
Robert (Bob) Elliot Kahn
Co-inventor of TCP/IP
Babara Liskov
Pioneer of Data Abstraction
Cédric Patrice Thierry Villani
David Jeffrey Wineland
Quantum Physicist
Ching-chuen Chan
Member, CAE/RAE/UAES Father of Asian Electric Vehicles
Timothy John Berners-Lee
Inventor of World Wide Web
Geoffrey Hinton
Pioneer of AI Neural Nets
Roger Penrose
Mathematical Physicist
Expert Committee
Expert Committee
Whitfield Diffie
Member of the National Academy of Engineering, US, Foreign Member of the Royal Society, UK, Father of Modern Cryptography
Qin Zhang
Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultant Conference; Honorary member of China Association for Science and Technology; Member of the International Nuclear Energy Academy
Haibo Chen
Chief Scientist of Huawei's Systems Software Vice President of Central Software Institute
Ebtesam Almazrouei
Founder of the Falcon Open Source Large Model
Jun Yang
Academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Outstanding Talent of Shenzhen City
Yike Guo
Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK
Darlington Aakogo
Chief Executive Officer of minoHealth AI Labs Co-Chair of the World Health Organization/International Telecommunication Union Health AI Working Group
Fei-Fei Li
Sequoia Capital Professor, Denning Co-Director of the Stanford Institute for HAI
James Manyika
Google's Senior Vice President of Research
Osama AbdelWahab Mohamed RAIS
Chairperson of the Technical Committee of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, Director-General and Chief Scientist of the African Urban Technology Organization, former President of Sudan University.
World Digital Technology Academy Charter
Driven by rapid development of digital technology such as Cloud Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Quantum Computing etc., the world is entering digital era. The digital technology powers digital economy that would become majority percentage of GDP in every country in the future. The academia and industry must innovate digital technology to benefit every person, every organization, and every country. The development of digital technology must also follow the guidance of United Nations (UN), particularly the policies of Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD). Hence, the World Digital Technology Academy (WDTA) shall be formed as a leading organization and a showcase in digital technology innovation.
Article 1 Name and Duration
An association within the meaning of Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code (“CC”) is hereby created under the name “World Digital Technology Academy” (hereafter, the “Association”). The Association is created for an indefinite period of time.
Article 2 Seat2
The Association’s seat is Nations Business Center Rue du Pré-de-la-Bichette 1, 1202 Geneva, in the Canton of Geneva.
Article 3 PURPOSE
The Association is created to:
(1) Contribute to the activities of international Geneva related to the digital ecosystem
(2) Showcase innovation of digital technology for digital economy development in the digital era, aligned to all digital initiatives of United Nations (UN) and STI (Science and Technology Innovation) principles of Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD).
(3) Provide recommendations and best practices of digital technology to governments, industry, academia, and other organizations and individuals.
The Association has no profit purposes.
Article 4 MEANS
The Association may pursue all lawful activities to achieve its purpose.
In particular, the Association may undertake the following:
(1) Publish guidance
(2) technology
(3) Incubate startups
(4) Create standards
(5) Conduct training, auditing, testing, and certification
(6) Provide consulting services
(7) Establish rankings, awards and prizes
(8) Host conferences and dialogues
Article 5 Resources
Resources of the Association may come from donations, legacies, sponsorship, partnerships, public subsidies, membership fees, revenues generated by the Association’s assets, as well as any other resources authorised by the law.
All resources of the Association shall be used exclusively for its not-for-profit purposes.
Article 6 members
Members of the Association (the “Members”) shall consist of individuals or institutions who have an interest in the purpose and the activities of the Association and wish to support them.
The founders are the initial Members of the Association.
List of founders:
-Peter Major
-Yuhang Li
Additional Members may join the Association by submitting a written application to the Board. The Board shall review applications, before submitting them to the General Assembly for approval.
Membership ceases:
(1) Upon the resignation of the Member addressed to the Board at least 6 months before the end of the calendar year (art. 70 para. 2 CC);
(2) Upon death of the Member if such Member is an individual and not the representative of an institution (art. 70 al. 3 CC); or
(3) By exclusion decided by the General Assembly, [(i) for the following reasons “violation of law or bylaw” or (ii) without cause].
In any case, the fee for the current year remains due by the exiting Member.
A resigning or expelled Member has no right to the Association’s assets.
The General Assembly decides on the principle of membership fees and their amount.
Article 10 Bodies of the Association
The bodies of the Association are:
-The General Assembly,
-The Board, and
-The External Auditors, insofar as required by Swiss law.
IV. The General Assembly
Article 11 Principles
The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Association within the meaning of article 64 et seq. CC.
It is composed of all the Members.
Article 12 POWERS
The General Assembly delegates to the Board the power to administer and represent the Association.
The General Assembly remains with the following inalienable powers:
(1) Adoption and amendment of the present Statutes;
(2) Nomination, surveillance and revocation of the External Auditors;
(3) Approval of annual reports and audited accounts;
(4) Admission and exclusion of Members;
(5) Nomination, surveillance, discharge and revocation of Board members;
(6) Decision on the dissolution or merger of the Association; and
(7) Management of all matters that are not the responsibility of other bodies.
Article 13 MEETINGS
Ordinary meeting of the General Assembly. The Ordinary meeting of the General Assemblyshall be held at least once a year, in person.
Extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly. Extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly may be called by the Board or at the request of at least 20 percent of all Members, in accordance with article 64 para. 3 CC.
Convocation. The Board shall convene the meetings of the General Assembly with a three-month notice. The agenda of the meetings must be sent with the invitations. The invitationsmay be sent by post or by e-mail.
Quorum. The General Assembly is validly instituted regardless of the number of Members present. The Chair. The Chair, and in his/her absence the Deputy Chair (as defined in article 17 below), shall chair the meetings of the General Assembly.
Article 14 Decision making and Voting rights
(1) Voting rights. Each Member shall have an equal voting right at the General Assembly.
(2) Power of attorney. Members may vote in person or by proxy.
(3) Process. Voting takes place by a show of hands. Upon request of at least one-fifth of the Members, voting may take place by secret ballot.
(4) Majority of votes. All decisions shall require a simple majority of all votes expressed (including votes by proxy), insofar as the present Statutes do not provide for a different majority.
(5) Decisions by circular letter. Proposals to which all Members have adhered in writing are equivalent to decisions taken by the General Assembly, in accordance with article 66 para. 2 CC.
(6) Conflict of interest. In accordance with article 68 CC, a Member may not vote for decisions relating to a matter or a legal proceeding regarding the Association where he or she, his or her spouse, parents or relatives in direct line are a party to the matter.
(7) Minutes. The meetings of the General Assembly and its decisions are recorded in the minutes.
V. The Board
Role and powers. The Board is the executive body of the Association. It has the right and the duty to manage the affairs of the Association and to represent it in accordance with theStatutes (art. 69 CC). In particular, the Board shall take all necessary measures to achieve the purposes of the Association, ensure the correct application of the present Statutes and any other internal regulations, administer the property, assets and resources of the Association, manage the accounts, engage and supervise a Director, if necessary, and convene and organise the General Assembly.
Pro-bono. Board members shall act on a pro-bono basis, with the exception of reimbursement of their effective costs and travel expenses. Potential attendance fees may not exceed those paid for official commissions of the Canton of Geneva. For activities that exceed the usual scope of the function, each Board member may receive appropriate compensation. Paid employees of the Association may only sit on the Board in an advisory capacity.
The initial Board members are appointed by the founders.
After that, the new members of the Board are appointed by the General Assembly.
The Board shall be composed of at least two and at most seven members. The Board designates amongst its members, a Chair, a Deputy Chair as well as any other function as it may deem necessary.
At least one member of the Board with signatory powers must be a Swiss citizen or a citizen of a member State of the EU or EFTA and have his/her domicile in Switzerland. List of Board Members:
(1) Peter Major, Chair (citizen of Switzerland)
(2) Yuhang Li, Deputy Chair (citizen of USA)
(3) Others to be decided later (at least a citizen of China)
Article 18 TERM
The Board members are appointed for a two year term, renewable multiple times.
Removal. Board members may be removed by the General Assembly for just cause, in particular if the Board member has violated his/her obligations towards the Association or if theBoard member is not in a position to exercise his/her functions correctly.
Resignation. Board members may resign at any time by submitting a written declaration to the Chair, specifying when the resignation shall take effect.
Vacancy during the term of office. In the event of dismissal or resignation during the termof office, the Board may appoint a replacement member by co-optation, until the next meeting of the General Assembly.
Delegation. The Board is entitled to delegate certain of its tasks to one or more of the Board members, including to Board sub-committees, to third parties, or to hired employees. Representation. The Association is validly represented and bound by the collective signatureof two Board members and/or any other officer or representative designated for this purposeby the Board by a power of attorney.
Meetings. The Board shall meet as often as required, but at least once per year.
Process. Board members may validly participate in a meeting of the Board by video or telephone conference or any other form of communications equipment.
Convocation. The Chair of the Board shall convene Board meetings at least thirty days in advance. The Chair may convene the Board with three days’ advance notice, where justified by urgent circumstances.
Votes and majority. Each Board member shall have one vote. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of all votes expressed, as long as the present Statutes or other internal regulations of the Association do not provide for a different majority. In case of a tie, the Chair shall have a casting vote.
Decisions by circular letter. Decisions may also validly be taken by written resolution, including by email.
Minutes. Board meetings and decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the Board.
VI. Miscellaneous and final provisions
The Board may create a secretariat and/or appoint a President or Director to manage the day-to-day affairs of the Association.
Compulsory body. To the extent required by Swiss law, the General Assembly shall appoint the independent External Auditor in charge of (i) verifying the annual accounts of the Association and to submit a detailed report to the General Assembly and (ii) to ensure that the statutory rules of the Association (Statutes and internal regulations) are respected.
Optional body. The Association, which is not subject to the obligation to appoint an External Auditor, may nevertheless decide to appoint one (or more) External Auditor(s), who would prepare a report to the General Assembly’s attention.
Accounts. The Board must prepare for each financial year accounts as required by the applicable laws.
Fiscal year. The fiscal year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year.
Article 26 LIABILTY
The Association is solely liable for its debts and obligations, which are guaranteed by its assets, to the exclusion of all individual responsibility of its Members.
The Association may only be dissolved by a [two-third (2/3)] majority vote of all Members.
In such a case, the Board shall proceed with the liquidation of the Association.
The assets of the Association shall first serve to pay its creditors.
Remaining assets will be entirely assigned to a non-profit entity, which pursues similar public interest purposes and which is tax exempted.
In no event may the assets of the Association be returned to its founding members or Members, nor should they use some or all of the assets for their own benefit in any way. The original French version shall prevail.
Joining the World Digital Technology Academy (WDTA) offers a unique opportunity to be part of a global network that drives digital innovation and development. We welcome both organizations and individuals who are passionate about contributing to the digital technology field.
Volunteers participating in WDTA projects engage in various activities, including but not limited to: assisting in planning and organizing events, providing support and guidance, disseminating information, establishing community connections, and offering resources. They are dedicated to addressing the issues highlighted by the WDTA project and actively participate in advocacy and promotional activities. Volunteers play a crucial role in promoting the development and dissemination of the project. Through their efforts, WDTA can better achieve its mission and goals.
Contact Us
Address: Nations Business Center,Rude duPre-de-la-Bichette 1
WDTA office:
Regarding Zhengxianling - China's first pan - international talent recruitment platform
Zhengxianling is developed and operated by Shanghai Yuntong Information Technology Co., Ltd. The company mainly provides international services such as talent job-seeking and recruitment, recruitment and introduction of high-level talents / science and technology innovation-related talents (Overseas Excellent Young Talents, Qiming Plan, online and offline job fairs, campus recruitment, social recruitment, online recruitment, headhunting, etc.), academic exchanges, and software development. In due time, we will launch language platforms and APPs in AI English, Korean, Japanese, French, German, etc. to meet the needs of global users. Up to now, the company has established communication channels with national ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Science and Technology, talent offices of the Organization Departments of some provincial and municipal Party committees, departments of human resources and social security, industry and information technology, science and technology, trade unions, chambers of commerce, academic societies, associations, 985 and 211 universities in various regions across the country, HRs of some enterprises, the International Academician Consortium, the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA, and some international institutions in countries such as Russia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Canada, and QS World's top 100 universities (MIT, Oxford, the University of Melbourne...).
Service items are as follows:
A. Recruitment and introduction of international high-level / science and technology innovation-related talents (doctors, post-doctors, academicians) (online and offline job fairs, campus recruitment, social recruitment, online recruitment, headhunting, etc.), overseas enterprise study tours, academic exchanges, and software development.
B. Operation of Zhengxianling® (The types of talents on the platform and official account are not limited).
Service-supported regions:
China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, the United States, Canada, etc. (covering more than 100 countries and regions).
Main service content: Online and offline special high-level talent job fairs for cities, parks, and employers, talent-introduction activities related to science and technology innovation (project solicitation, screening, roadshow... implementation, etc.), investment promotion, academic exchange conferences, online job-seeking and recruitment, and offline services are available in the above-mentioned designated countries.
In the past 2024, we have successively joined the Hubei Chushang Federation in China and the World Federation of Inventors' Associations [IFIA], and have established the grand goal of building Zhengxianling into China's first pan-international talent recruitment platform (Language platforms and APPs in AI English, Korean, Japanese, French, German, etc. will be launched in due time. The establishment of the International HRD (HR) Alliance is in progress), and in the future, it will serve billions of users in more than 200 countries around the world. As of December 31, 2024, we have received a reply from the chairman of the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA, welcoming Yuntong Technology and Zhengxianling to join the cooperation of the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA in 2025. Starting from 2025, we will cooperate with the International Academician Consortium and may participate in activities such as the FCPAE European Forum to facilitate international talent exchanges and cooperation, thereby promoting scientific and technological innovation, driving employment, serving global economic construction, and promoting friendly cross-border cooperation to create a better future. Thus, we can better serve users from all over the world.
The Chinese full name of IFIA: World Federation of Inventors' Associations. Its headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland, and San Francisco, the United States. In February 2024, after being reviewed and approved by the 47th Global Executive Committee of IFIA, Shanghai Yuntong Information Technology Co., Ltd. [Zhengxianling] joined the organization. For details, please refer to the official website of IFIA:
Our company's recruitment platform will officially launch a paid service starting from February 1, 2025. For details, please refer to:
Currently, we are organizing online and offline special job fairs for high-level talents of international organizations. For details of the event, please refer to the push article on the schedule plan of the international high-level talent recruitment activities of Zhengxianling®:
Zhengxianling® recruits a large number of overseas high-level talents and innovative talents all year round. For details, please refer to the official account introduction:
Regarding the invitation letter for the initiation of the International HRD (HR) Alliance, please refer to the official account introduction:
We welcome HRs of employers from all over the world, heads of universities and research institutes, academic leaders, young doctors / post-doctors / academicians and other talents to contact us or register to join our platform,The talents we recruit will be preferentially recommended to work in universities, research institutions and other units in China or various countries around the world.
Copyright © 2025 Zhengxianling All Rights Reserved 版权所有 上海韵通信息科技有限公司 湖北省楚商联合会理事单位、Member of the International Federation of Inventors“ Associations (IFIA) 沪ICP备2022002356号-1