Who we are
As a global leader in information and analytics, we help researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes, striving to create a better future worldwide.
Girls using a chemistry set together
Because informed decisions lead to better outcomes
We are proud to help research and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes by combining quality information and data sets with analytical tools to facilitate insights and critical decisions.
We help researchers share knowledge, collaborate and make discoveries. We deliver insights that help universities, research institutions, governments and funders achieve strategic goals. We help doctors and nurses improve the lives of patients, providing tools to find the right clinical answers. We support R&D-intensive corporations with data-led insights that drive innovation.
Female worker in industrial setting with hard hat and safety goggles
Research and innovation
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Two colleagues looking at post it notes
Research quality and integrity
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Group of diverse people in office room conversing
Inclusion in research and healthcare
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Woman working on laptop
Open Access
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closeup of a female nurse
Global health
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“I strongly believe in the mission and the purpose of Elsevier and the impact we have on societal good.”
Kumsal Bayazit
Kumsal Bayazit
Chief Executive Officer
We are the world’s leading scientific publisher and data analytics company and have been serving the global research and healthcare communities for more than 140 years. We serve academic and government institutions, top research and development-intensive corporations, healthcare institutions, and medical and nursing students in over 180 countries and regions.
This is Elsevier
Serving the research community
As the world’s leading scientific publisher, our high-quality and trusted journals published more than 720K articles in 2024, accounting for over 17% of global articles and 29% of global citations, supported by 9,700 employees and a portfolio of 3,000 journals.
Fast facts about Elsevier
Elsevier is the world’s leading scientific publisher and data analytics company, with a legacy that extends back more than 140 years. We help researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes for the benefit of society. Our 9,700 employees serve academic and government institutions, top research and development intensive corporations, healthcare institutions, and medical and nursing students in over 170 countries and territories.
Trusted partner
17% of global research output
In the latest long-term market comparison, Elsevier journal articles accounted for over 17% of global research output and 29% of citations, demonstrating Elsevier’s commitment to quality significantly ahead of the industry average.
3,000 digitized journals
We publish more than 3,000 digitized journals, including The Lancet and Cell. Our 48,000+ eBook titles include iconic reference works such as Gray’s Anatomy.
99% of Nobel Laureates
Since the year 2000, more than 99% of the Nobel Laureates in science and economics have published in Elsevier journals.
1.5m Research4Life downloads
As a founding partner and leading contributor to Research4Life, a unique UN-publisher partnership, Elsevier provides 16% of the 245,000+ peer reviewed resources, encompassing about 5,400 journals and 34,000 eBooks. In 2024, there were over 1.3 million Research4Life downloads from ScienceDirect.
Open access
3,600 institutions served
Elsevier offers a range of pay-to-read and pay-to-publish options, both subscription-based and transactional, to fit the diverse needs of institutions, funders and researchers worldwide. As of 2024, Elsevier serves over 3,600 institutions worldwide with transformative deals that support open access to research.
3k dedicated open access journals
Nearly all of Elsevier’s 3,000+ journals enable open access publishing, with more than 890 dedicated author-pays journals — the largest portfolio of open access titles in the industry.
250k open access articles
Elsevier published more than 250,000 open access articles in 2024 — a year-on-year increase of over 30%.
Supporting the research community
3.5m article submissions
In 2024, Elsevier received nearly 3.5 million article submissions, publishing over 720,000 new research articles following peer review, with the global scientific community accessing articles over 2.4 billion times across its journal platforms.
22m articles and book chapters
ScienceDirect®, the world’s largest platform dedicated to peer-reviewed primary scientific and medical research, hosts over 22 million pieces of content from over 5,100 journals and over 48,000 eBooks and has over 20 million monthly researchers.
90m scholarly records
Scopus® uniquely combines an expertly curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and links to scholarly content with more than 90 million records from over 30,000 journals, 149,000 conferences, 289,000 books and 1.56 million preprints from more than 7,000 publishers in 105 countries.
1b chemistry data points
Reaxys, Elsevier’s chemistry research platform, combines over 1 billion chemistry data points with AI to support innovation in drug discovery, chemical R&D and academia. It utilizes data on 298 million substances and 68 million reactions, with over 118 million documents and 44 million patents.
18.6m biological relationships
In 2023, Elsevier launched EmBiology, a research tool that draws on more than 150,000 clinical trials and includes 1.49 million biological entities and over 18.6 million biological relationships extracted from literature to help researchers to gain a rapid understanding of disease biology and focus on critical evidence.
Supporting the health community
700 educational institutions
Sherpath® provides highly focused, personalized learning paths at over 700 institutions, supporting more than 300,000 course enrollments in nursing and health education.
5.5m registered users worldwide
Over 5.5 million registered users in more than 650 medical schools and universities worldwide are using Complete Anatomy, the world’s most advanced 3D anatomy education platform — with the most comprehensive full female anatomy model and the first model with diverse skin tones and facial features to better represent populations worldwide. In 2024, we introduced Complete HeartX, the #1 rated healthcare app for the Apple Vision Pro.
5k hospitals and medical schools
ClinicalKey®, our flagship clinical reference platform, is used by doctors, nurses, medical students and educators at 5,500 institutions in over 80 countries and territories, and ClinicalKey Student is used in over 360 medical schools globally.
4m registered learners worldwide
Osmosis®, the world’s leading medical education platform, has more than 4 million registered learners, over 3 million YouTube subscribers, and over 200 institutional partnerships, including marquee clients such as NYU, Imperial College London, CDC and NORD.
Driving confidence in research
Building on 140 years of collaboration with the research community, we help ensure that quality research can be accessed, trusted, shared, and built upon to accelerate progress in society. We work to ensure information is validated and discoverable so that your work can make a difference, and we create tools and platforms to help you showcase your impact, with 99.9% of Elsevier published research retained as part of the trusted academic record.
Shaping the future of research and innovation
Let's work together to ensure quality research can accelerate progress for society.
Female worker wearing hard hat
Through our portfolio of over 3,000 trusted scientific journals, our research and citation databases, and our research intelligence tools, we help researchers advance knowledge for the benefit of society. Our products and solutions facilitate collaboration across the research community, provide critical insights, and support complex decisions.
Our innovation intelligence solutions help accelerate the impact of applied research, enabling companies to improve outcomes by transforming validated data into scientific insights at every stage of the R&D workflow.
Quick links
Publish with Elsevier
Find articles opens in new tab/window
Learn about open access
Explore corporate R&D innovation intelligence solutions
Helping people access quality research
Every researcher has a fundamental right to publish in the way that works for them. We offer you a choice of publishing open access or through the subscription model depending on what is right for you.
Open Access publishing in 3,000 journals
890 Fully gold open access journals
3,600+ institutions benefit from Open Access deals
Advancing open access to knowledge
Open access is a key part of our mission to help researchers advance science for societal progress.
Man with telescope looking at stars and galaxy
Open access at Elsevier
Open access is vital to a collaborative, inclusive and transparent world of research where quality knowledge can be shared and built upon. Every day, we work to bring more insight into closer reach for the research community and the public. We offer a wide choice and flexibility for every researcher and institution around the world that wants to publish open access, without ever compromising on research quality, integrity and value.
The future of health
We know that as healthcare students, educators, and healthcare professionals you need the highest quality information and tools they need, when they need it. We do this by providing advanced digital learning solutions, tools to improve practical clinical skills, the latest healthcare data and insights, and reliable reference materials that help you throughout your learning journey, including 1,700 clinical overviews and 99,000 medical videos.
Inclusion, diversity and equity in research and health
By bringing together diverse ideas and different perspectives gender, race, ethnicity, and geography we can help you drive progress more effectively. With a diverse group of people creating solutions for customers worldwide, Elsevier is helping to lay the groundwork for more diverse communities in science and health, and helping you create a more equitable future.
Harnessing the power of data
We provide sophisticated data analytics, that help our customers make critical decisions and achieve their strategic goals, combining vast datasets from structured and unstructured content sources. Our big data platform has millions of authors, institutions, publication records, patents, drugs, grants, and policy documents. Our solutions combine our expertise in research and health domains, high quality and trusted content and datasets with AI and machine learning technologies.
Elsevier Leadership Team
Leadership team
Kumsal Bayazit
Kumsal Bayazit
Chief Executive Officer
Headshot of Wayne Acquah
Wayne Acquah
Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Jan bij de Weg image
Jan bij de Weg
Executive Vice President and Global General Counsel
Ed Cassar Chief Financial Officer at Elsevier
Ed Cassar
Chief Financial Officer
Portrait photo of Anita Chandraprakash
Anita Chandraprakash
Executive Vice President, Operations
Youngsuk ‘YS’ Chi - Chairman at Elsevier
Youngsuk “YS” Chi
Esra Erkal Esra Erkal Executive Vice President, Global Communications at Elsevier
Esra Erkal
Executive Vice President, Global Communications
Laura Hassink
Laura Hassink
Managing Director, Journals
Portrait photo of Jan Herzhoff - President Health Markets at Elsevier
Jan Herzhoff, PhD
President, Health Markets
Portrait photo of Mie-Yun Lee
Mie-Yun Lee
Chief of Staff
Jill Luber - Chief Technology Officer at Elsevier
Jill Luber
Chief Technology Officer
Judy Verses
Judy Verses
President, Academic and Government
Kieran West Headshot
Dr Kieran West, MBE
Executive Vice-President, Strategy
Stuart Whayman is President of Corporate Markets at Elsevier
Stuart Whayman
President, Corporate Markets
Publish with Elsevier
Learn about the publication process and how to submit your manuscript. This tutorial will help you find the right journal and maximize the chance to be published.
female data scientist looking at expanded computer screen
Your step-by-step guide to publishing with Elsevier
Every year, we accept and publish more than 470,000 journal articles so you are in safe hands. Publishing in an Elsevier journal starts with finding the right journal for your paper. We have tools, resources and services to help you at each stage of the publication journey to enable you to research, write, publish, promote and track your article. Let us help you make the most out of your next publication!
1. Find a journal
2. Prepare your paper
3. Submit and revise
4. Track your paper
5. Share and promote
1. Find a journal
Find out the journals that could be best suited for publishing your research. For a comprehensive list of Elsevier journals check our Journal Catalog. You can also match your manuscript using the JournalFinder tool, then learn more about each journal. You can find information about how to log in to each journal’s editorial system here.
Search the world's leading source of academic journals for a list of recommended journals that best match your research paper. You can search by using your abstract, or by using keywords and other details.
Find a matching journal
Read the journal's aims and scope to make sure it is a match
Check whether you can submit — some journals are invitation only
Use journal metrics to understand the impact of a journal
If available, check the journal at Journal Insights opens in new tab/window for additional info about impact, speed and reach
2. Prepare your paper for submission
Download our
get published quick guide opens in new tab/window
, which outlines the essential steps in preparing a paper. (This is also available in
Chinese opens in new tab/window
). It is very important that you stick to the specific guide for authors of the journal to which you are submitting. This can be found on the journal's home page.
You can find information about the publishing process in the
understanding the publishing process opens in new tab/window
guide. It covers topics such as authors' rights, ethics and plagiarism, and journal and article metrics.
If you have research data to share, make sure you read the guide for authors to find out which options the journal offers to share research data with your article.
Read about publishing in a special issue
Use an external editing service, such as Elsevier’s Author Services opens in new tab/window if you need assistance with language
Free e-learning modules on preparing your manuscript can be found on Researcher Academy opens in new tab/window
Mendeley opens in new tab/window makes your life easier by helping you organize your papers, citations and references, accessing them in the cloud on any device, wherever you are
3. Submit and revise
You can submit to most Elsevier journals using our online systems. The system you use will depend on the journal to which you submit. You can access the relevant submission system via the submit your paper link on the Elsevier.com journal homepage of your chosen journal.
Alternatively, if you have been invited to submit to a journal, follow the instructions provided to you.
Once submitted, your paper will be considered by the editor and if it passes initial screening, it will be sent for peer review by experts in your field. If deemed unsuitable for publication in your chosen journal, the editor may suggest you transfer your submission to a more suitable journal, via an article transfer service.
Top tips
Check the open access options on the journal's homepage
Consider the options for sharing your research data
Be accurate and clear when checking your proofs
Inform yourself about copyright and licensing
4. Track your paper
Track your submitted paper
You can track the status of your submitted paper online. The system you use to track your submission will be the same system to which you submitted. Use the reference number you received after submission to track your submission.
Unsure about what the submission status means? Check out this video opens in new tab/window.
In case of any problems, contact the Support Center opens in new tab/window.
Track your accepted paper
Once your paper is accepted for publication, you will receive a reference number and a direct link that lets you follow its publication status via Elsevier’s Track Your Accepted Article service.
Even without a notification you can track the status of your article by entering your article reference number and corresponding author surname in Track your accepted article opens in new tab/window.
5. Share and promote
Now that your article is published, you can promote it to achieve a bigger impact for your research. Sharing research, accomplishments and ambitions with a wider audience makes you more visible in your field. This helps you get cited more, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your career.
After publication, celebrate and get noticed opens in new tab/window!
Hiring process
We need talented people to do purposeful that will help save and change lives.
Diverse and creative multiethnic business group
Look inside our hiring process
While our application process varies from team to team and location to location, this is an overview of our recruitment process with some tips to help you along the way.
Application and screening
Decision and offer
Application and screening
To determine if an application is a good match, we review it for several criteria, including skills and experience. You will then be asked to have a phone or video call with the recruitment team to determine if you are to be interviewed by the hiring manager or the other members of the team that you will join.
Tips from the hiring team
Check before you send
Your cover letter is the first thing our recruiters will see from you. Watch out for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Identify your ideal role
Make sure you study the job description and department you are applying for and tailor your resume and cover letter accordingly.
Work smarter
LinkedIn's resume analysis tools can save you time by auto-populating your resume. Verify that the correct information has been selected by the tool.
Application process and screening
We want to know more than just your resume, we conduct online interviews to get to know you better. Take every opportunity to know the job better, who Elsevier is, and show us who you really are.
Typically there are two rounds of interviews with the hiring manager and others, such as your potential future team member. There may also be technical interviews for some roles.
Tips from the hiring team
Be yourself
We want to get to know the real candidate. We want to know more than just your resume and value what makes you unique.
Look at the team
Each job description provides an overview of the team and what they do. Take a moment to learn more about Elsevier's different teams.
Do research
Before your interview, research the people you'll be talking to. LinkedIn is a great place to start. Prepare a number of questions for each interviewer.
Woman offering mortgage advise to a client
Finalists will be asked to complete a range of assessments and exercises. These could be presentations, case study exercises or technical tests such as coding.
Tips from the hiring team
Ask questions about what to expect
Feel free to ask the employer about the test. Every company uses a different strategy to assess employees and you will want to know.
Practice and prepare well
You may have heard people say there is no way to prepare for an assessment, but that is not true. If you practice, you know what to expect, and you know what you should pay attention to.
Male programmer working at home
Decision and offer
After the whole process, from application to assessments, we'll make an offer to the candidate we feel is the best for the role and the best fit with the team.
Tips from the hiring team
Be patient
A recruiter will contact you if you have successfully passed the recruitment process, which may take longer than expected.
Review the specifications
Read through the description. It's important to feel confident about the work and satisfied with your responsibilities.
Review the offer
Think about how the job fits into your personal life and needs. Review the job offer and speak with HR if you need more information.
Two business women shaking hands
Frequently asked questions
Can I apply for more than one job?
Yes, you can apply to multiple roles.
How long is the typical hiring process?
While hiring processes vary depending on the vacancy, we typically aim for a hiring process to be completed within 2 – 4 weeks.
I have applied/interviewed in the past and was not selected. Can I apply again?
Yes, you can. Before registering your new application, review your CV and personal details on your WorkDay profile and update them if necessary.
When can I expect to hear back after I applied?
After you submit your application, we will email you within 48 hours to let you know if your application has been received.
Publish with Elsevier
Learn about the publication process and how to submit your manuscript. This tutorial will help you find the right journal and maximize the chance to be published.
female data scientist looking at expanded computer screen
Your step-by-step guide to publishing with Elsevier
Every year, we accept and publish more than 470,000 journal articles so you are in safe hands. Publishing in an Elsevier journal starts with finding the right journal for your paper. We have tools, resources and services to help you at each stage of the publication journey to enable you to research, write, publish, promote and track your article. Let us help you make the most out of your next publication!
1. Find a journal
2. Prepare your paper
3. Submit and revise
4. Track your paper
5. Share and promote
1. Find a journal
Find out the journals that could be best suited for publishing your research. For a comprehensive list of Elsevier journals check our Journal Catalog. You can also match your manuscript using the JournalFinder tool, then learn more about each journal. You can find information about how to log in to each journal’s editorial system here.
Search the world's leading source of academic journals for a list of recommended journals that best match your research paper. You can search by using your abstract, or by using keywords and other details.
Find a matching journal
Read the journal's aims and scope to make sure it is a match
Check whether you can submit — some journals are invitation only
Use journal metrics to understand the impact of a journal
If available, check the journal at Journal Insights opens in new tab/window for additional info about impact, speed and reach
2. Prepare your paper for submission
Download our
get published quick guide opens in new tab/window
, which outlines the essential steps in preparing a paper. (This is also available in
Chinese opens in new tab/window
). It is very important that you stick to the specific guide for authors of the journal to which you are submitting. This can be found on the journal's home page.
You can find information about the publishing process in the
understanding the publishing process opens in new tab/window
guide. It covers topics such as authors' rights, ethics and plagiarism, and journal and article metrics.
If you have research data to share, make sure you read the guide for authors to find out which options the journal offers to share research data with your article.
Read about publishing in a special issue
Use an external editing service, such as Elsevier’s Author Services opens in new tab/window if you need assistance with language
Free e-learning modules on preparing your manuscript can be found on Researcher Academy opens in new tab/window
Mendeley opens in new tab/window makes your life easier by helping you organize your papers, citations and references, accessing them in the cloud on any device, wherever you are
3. Submit and revise
You can submit to most Elsevier journals using our online systems. The system you use will depend on the journal to which you submit. You can access the relevant submission system via the submit your paper link on the Elsevier.com journal homepage of your chosen journal.
Alternatively, if you have been invited to submit to a journal, follow the instructions provided to you.
Once submitted, your paper will be considered by the editor and if it passes initial screening, it will be sent for peer review by experts in your field. If deemed unsuitable for publication in your chosen journal, the editor may suggest you transfer your submission to a more suitable journal, via an article transfer service.
Check the open access options on the journal's homepage
Consider the options for sharing your research data
Be accurate and clear when checking your proofs
Inform yourself about copyright and licensing
4. Track your paper
Track your submitted paper
You can track the status of your submitted paper online. The system you use to track your submission will be the same system to which you submitted. Use the reference number you received after submission to track your submission.
Unsure about what the submission status means? Check out this video opens in new tab/window.
In case of any problems, contact the Support Center opens in new tab/window.
Track your accepted paper
Once your paper is accepted for publication, you will receive a reference number and a direct link that lets you follow its publication status via Elsevier’s Track Your Accepted Article service.
Even without a notification you can track the status of your article by entering your article reference number and corresponding author surname in Track your accepted article opens in new tab/window.
5. Share and promote
Now that your article is published, you can promote it to achieve a bigger impact for your research. Sharing research, accomplishments and ambitions with a wider audience makes you more visible in your field. This helps you get cited more, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your career.
After publication, celebrate and get noticed
Regarding Zhengxianling - China's first pan - international talent recruitment platform
Zhengxianling is developed and operated by Shanghai Yuntong Information Technology Co., Ltd. The company mainly provides international services such as talent job-seeking and recruitment, recruitment and introduction of high-level talents / science and technology innovation-related talents (Overseas Excellent Young Talents, Qiming Plan, online and offline job fairs, campus recruitment, social recruitment, online recruitment, headhunting, etc.), academic exchanges, and software development. In due time, we will launch language platforms and APPs in AI English, Korean, Japanese, French, German, etc. to meet the needs of global users. Up to now, the company has established communication channels with national ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Science and Technology, talent offices of the Organization Departments of some provincial and municipal Party committees, departments of human resources and social security, industry and information technology, science and technology, trade unions, chambers of commerce, academic societies, associations, 985 and 211 universities in various regions across the country, HRs of some enterprises, the International Academician Consortium, the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA, and some international institutions in countries such as Russia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Canada, and QS World's top 100 universities (MIT, Oxford, the University of Melbourne...).
Service items are as follows:
A. Recruitment and introduction of international high-level / science and technology innovation-related talents (doctors, post-doctors, academicians) (online and offline job fairs, campus recruitment, social recruitment, online recruitment, headhunting, etc.), overseas enterprise study tours, academic exchanges, and software development.
B. Operation of Zhengxianling® (The types of talents on the platform and official account are not limited).
Service-supported regions:
China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, the United States, Canada, etc. (covering more than 100 countries and regions).
Main service content: Online and offline special high-level talent job fairs for cities, parks, and employers, talent-introduction activities related to science and technology innovation (project solicitation, screening, roadshow... implementation, etc.), investment promotion, academic exchange conferences, online job-seeking and recruitment, and offline services are available in the above-mentioned designated countries.
In the past 2024, we have successively joined the Hubei Chushang Federation in China and the World Federation of Inventors' Associations [IFIA], and have established the grand goal of building Zhengxianling into China's first pan-international talent recruitment platform (Language platforms and APPs in AI English, Korean, Japanese, French, German, etc. will be launched in due time. The establishment of the International HRD (HR) Alliance is in progress), and in the future, it will serve billions of users in more than 200 countries around the world. As of December 31, 2024, we have received a reply from the chairman of the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA, welcoming Yuntong Technology and Zhengxianling to join the cooperation of the United Nations Science and Technology Commission WDTA in 2025. Starting from 2025, we will cooperate with the International Academician Consortium and may participate in activities such as the FCPAE (Federation of Chinese Professionals in Europe) European Forum to facilitate international talent exchanges and cooperation, thereby promoting scientific and technological innovation, driving employment, serving global economic construction, and promoting friendly cross-border cooperation to create a better future. Thus, we can better serve users from all over the world.
The Chinese full name of IFIA: World Federation of Inventors' Associations. Its headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland, and San Francisco, the United States. In February 2024, after being reviewed and approved by the 47th Global Executive Committee of IFIA, Shanghai Yuntong Information Technology Co., Ltd. [Zhengxianling] joined the organization. For details, please refer to the official website of IFIA:
Our company's recruitment platform will officially launch a paid service starting from February 1, 2025. For details, please refer to:
Currently, we are organizing online and offline special job fairs for high-level talents of international organizations. For details of the event, please refer to the push article on the schedule plan of the international high-level talent recruitment activities of Zhengxianling®:
Zhengxianling® recruits a large number of overseas high-level talents and innovative talents all year round. For details, please refer to the official account introduction:
Regarding the invitation letter for the initiation of the International HRD (HR) Alliance, please refer to the official account introduction:
We welcome HRs of employers from all over the world, heads of universities and research institutes, academic leaders, young doctors / post-doctors / academicians and other talents to contact us or register to join our platform,The talents we recruit will be preferentially recommended to work in universities, research institutions and other units in China or various countries around the world.
Copyright © 2025 Zhengxianling All Rights Reserved 版权所有 上海韵通信息科技有限公司 湖北省楚商联合会理事单位、Member of the International Federation of Inventors“ Associations (IFIA) 沪ICP备2022002356号-1
地址:中国上海奉贤区金海公路6055号 EMAIL:hb@zhengxianling.com